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Date: Apr. 29, 2002
Time: 12:40 AM
My current mood is: The current mood of fishnets666 at www.imood.com

Angry then drunk

My family is fighting, yet again. Considering they fight EVERY SINGLE DAY you think they'd get sick of it, but nope. I actually forgot to write about what happened on Friday. Well Donna left her car here while she was away, so when she came back my dad went to give her car keys back. But he figured he'd put a key ring on them cause there was 2 keys, so he went in this draw we have that has like a whole bunch of key rings. He picked out on and then gave them to her. Well after she left my sister FLIPPED OUT! My dad had used a key ring that me and my sister had gotten for my mom years ago. He didn't realize it. So she absolutly freaked.

:::::Later on that night::::

Ok never got to finish that entry so now I will add. So 10 weeks. That's when my dad's getting married to Donna. I don't know what to do. 10 weeks. Linda and Jerry, my dad's friends who me and my sister have known since we were born, came over and said to us "Now how are we going to break those 2 up?". The thing is, I was arguing with my sister over this, it's fruitless to try to break them up. I've learned that in the past when I tried to tell Julie she shouldn't marry Dave. Didn't work. When you tell someone what they should or shouldn't do, they just do the opposite of what you say and get pissed at you. So why should I even bother to try to break them up? Even if I know for a fact she is only marrying him for his "money"? I say money in quotes cause it's not like we're even rich!

::::: 2 hours later::::

Oh geez, this is the most dragged out entry ever. Well I had stuff to say, along the lines of being depressed, angry, and upset today, but now I am drunk so all is fine with the world! Yay! And yes, I am a huge geek and I am drinking by myself. Again. But you know what, it made me not be sad anymore so it's all good. More fighting...god, my sister and my dad never actualy stop fighting, I'm convinced they fight 24 hours a day, and take like 2 hour breaks betwween each fight. So everything's ok now, but I might need to drink some more. I think I shall refill my glass, rum and diet coke baby! Ok there. I have nothing of importance to say now, now that I am very drunk. Cause being drunk makes you forget what's bothering you. It makes ya happy! Yay! Ok goodnight.

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